Monday, September 28, 2009

Go Spain!!

I didn't think much of a picture of President Obama (I love saying that) and the family of the PM of Spain, but it has caused quite a stir. Apparently, Spain has legislation prohibiting published photos of the PM's children. This is amazing considering how First Children, specifically young First Daughters, are scrutinized here in the US. Chelsea Clinton and Jenna and Barbara Bush were all evaluated based on their looks. 

Come on, US, catch up!

Two Strikes and Crappy Movies (warning: griping)

I'm feeling my two strikes today: unemployment and broken ankle. Either is enough to bum one out and I'm feeling both today. I have plenty to do and I've even managed to check some items off the list, but plodding has happened. I had to register the kiddo for stuff to do when school is out, which entailed fighting with one of the more annoying online shopping cart systems and  remembering that her school is not on the exact same schedule as the school district where we live. So, now I have to figure out what to do with her for those days. Yes, I'm unemployed, but full consecutive days with my sweet babygirl is exhausting for both of us.

Crappy movies. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do, so I went through the online queue and found "You Don't Mess With the Zohan." Now, I like Adam Sandler movies. I think I lose some girl cred for it, but "Big Daddy" was funny. I even liked "Little Nicky." "Zohan" sucked for two reasons: 1) it was several jokes over and over and over (Israeli counterterrorist superman who does something "gay," his pants are crammed full of something continually thrust into other characters' faces, he likes having sex with old women) and 2) it was over two hours of these stupid jokes. Two hours!!!! Oy.

The other one was 1980's "Foxes." Originally titled "Twentieth Century Foxes," the title was changed to "Foxes" out of fear of a lawsuit from the movie studio. It's a somewhat well-known film because it stars Jodie Foster and Cherie Currie. We all know who Jodie Foster is and we knew who she was in 1980 because of her controversial role as a 14-year-old prostitute in "Taxi Driver." When Currie was 16, she became a member of The Runaways with Joan Jett, Lita Ford, Sandy West and Jackie Fox. The Runaways are credited as the first all-girl band to prove they were more than a marketing stunt. Quite simply, they rocked. 

But this isn't about The Runaways. That was a tangent off of "Foxes." Possibly an important film in 1980 for its subject matter (adolescent girls doing grown-up things), it hasn't held up very well. The characters were annoying and the story wasn't enough to sustain my attention. I say all of this with the awareness that my comments are filtered through 30 years of film history, but I really didn't like it. 

I gotta go. Cash Cab is on.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Two Movies in a Week

For some reason, I don't get to the movies as much as I'd like. That might change once I move out. Anyway, the ex and I took kiddo to see "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs." Really cute and funny on multiple levels - gags for the kids and wittier jokes for the old farts in the audience. 

I wasn't sure I wanted to bother seeing it in the theater, but I got to "The Informant," too. Very well done and much funnier than I expected. Matt Damon turned in a great performance, too. 

Not the most expository reviews, but Vicodin doesn't make me verbose.


I've been making jewelry for over 20 years, mostly for myself and gifts for friends. I spent a LONG time in graduate school and I stopped making jewelry for a LONG time (I also stopped reading, camping, hiking, photography, life, etc.). Since I successfully defended my dissertation a couple years ago, I've returned to many of the passions I put on hold. With the jewelry, I've made pieces I really like, but haven't really worn them. I started wondering if maybe it's time to get more serious about selling some of these pieces. Then I started freaking out about the prospect of trying to sell a non-essential item in the Craphole Economy. "I know - the internet!" Then I freaked out a little more at the thought of being one tiny little drop of a shop in an ocean of online retail. 

So, I'm trying to do all this with as little financial risk as possible. Isn't that cute!? I took some pictures with my semi-pro camera (7 year old Sony Cybershot x10 zoom that still takes great pics), but the pics were pretty average. Friends have given me a lot of positive feedback on the pieces themselves, but I want some stellar pictures that will make my work really stand out.

I have a good friend who takes great pictures and has a swanky new camera. We spent two days getting some pretty amazing shots. Mind you, it's only been three weeks since I broke my ankle, and I'm hobbling around parks with my big boot. We even ended up at the home of another friend who has a beautiful garden. I totally overdid it with my ankle, but it was awesome! We had a great time and I have some beautiful pictures of my creations taken by one of my best friends.

But First, Introductions

So, here I am, a 30-something native Northwesterner, unemployed and living with my six-year-old daughter and my ex-husband of 18 months. I have some interesting friends and family who I adore and who provide tons of entertainment and support (and occasional frustration). I live in one side of a duplex and my ex-mother-in-law and her mother and brother live in the other side (they are very nice people and I still consider them family). I am a jewelry artist ( with an advanced degree in psychology and some minor health issues. I have been borderline diabetic for years as a result of polycystic ovarian syndrome and I have occasional migraines. I also have some mood issues. None of these are really serious and I take care of myself to ensure it stays that way. I don't obsess about it all but it's on the list of things I'll probably talk about on this blog. I also LOVE music, I hike, camp, take pictures, read and watch movies and some TV.

Oh, and I broke my right ankle three weeks ago and I can't drive, so I have some time on my hands. Why not start a blog?

My ex and I decided to end our 12-year relationship over a year ago for many of the reasons relationships end; the short story is we grew apart. We actually get along pretty well and are on the same page about our daughter. It isn't perfect, it's frustrating at times, but it isn't too bad. It's definitely an unusual situation. No greeting cards or self-help books on this one.